Things you can hire me to do / things Iā€™m proud of sometimes

Book! Photo by Chris Behroozian

Book! Photo by Chris Behroozian

Visual essay for Google Trends

Charts for people who hate Brunch - for The Bold Italic, featured on USA TODAY & Mashable. Editor: Jessica Saia

Charts for people who hate Brunch - for The Bold Italic, featured on USA TODAY & Mashable. Editor: Jessica Saia

Illustrations and intreview with Oprah Magazine

Graphics for walls and floor at Color Factory Houston, in partnership with NASA

Malofiej Exhibition, Pamplona Spain, 2020

For BuzzFeed. Editor: Jessica Misener

For BuzzFeed. Editor: Jessica Misener

Publishing a Book, by the Numbers for the New Yorker

Publishing a Book, by the Numbers for the New Yorker

Charts for Penguin Random House

Dietary Restrictions in chart form - for The Bold Italic. Featured on Fast Company Co. Design. Editor: Jessica Saia

Dietary Restrictions in chart form - for The Bold Italic. Featured on Fast Company Co. Design. Editor: Jessica Saia

Liz Lemon X Lululemon

Liz Lemon X Lululemon

Cocktails for Cold Season - For The Bold Italic.

Cocktails for Cold Season - For The Bold Italic.

For BuzzFeed News AD: Ben King

For BuzzFeed News AD: Ben King

For BuzzFeed News

For BuzzFeed News

For BuzzFeed News

For BuzzFeed News

Charts for people who love Serial Podcast - for The Bold Italic, featured on Vox, A.V. Club, Mental Floss, and more

Charts for people who love Serial Podcast - for The Bold Italic, featured on Vox, A.V. Club, Mental Floss, and more

Should you get back together - for Glamour, featured on Vulture and on every teen's tumblr in 2011

Should you get back together - for Glamour, featured on Vulture and on every teen's tumblr in 2011

Editor: Jessica Saia

Editor: Jessica Saia

For BuzzFeed News CD: Dennis Huynh

For BuzzFeed News CD: Dennis Huynh

For BuzzFeed News AD: Ben King

For BuzzFeed News
AD: Ben King

Friends charts - for The Bold Italic, featured on Indy100

Friends charts - for The Bold Italic, featured on Indy100

Instagram like predictor - for The Bold Italic, featured on Mashable. Editor: Jessica Saia

Instagram like predictor - for The Bold Italic, featured on Mashable. Editor: Jessica Saia

For a BuzzFeed News story by Daisy Barringer

For a BuzzFeed News story by Daisy Barringer

For a BuzzFeed News story by Eve Peyser CD: Dennis Huynh

For a BuzzFeed News story by Eve Peyser
CD: Dennis Huynh

Some NYE charts for The Bold Italic. Featured on Bustle.

Some NYE charts for The Bold Italic. Featured on Bustle.

I asked the editors at Glamour to collect specific information about their lives during fashion week to create this graphic.

I asked the editors at Glamour to collect specific information about their lives during fashion week to create this graphic.

Frizzy Hair Manifesto - for Refinery29

Frizzy Hair Manifesto - for Refinery29

For BuzzFeed News.  CD: Dennis Huynh

For BuzzFeed News.
CD: Dennis Huynh

Pinterest face mask parody. Editor: Jessica Misener

Pinterest face mask parody. Editor: Jessica Misener